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Zip by Tom Puleo

Zip by Tom Puleo

Posted by Thomas Puleo on Aug 8th 2012

This is a picture of my garage before I got started.  I drew the outline of each of the components of the frames on the 3/4 marine ply and cut them out. The frames, stem,&nbs … read more
Super Spartan Build by Roberta Part 5

Super Spartan Build by Roberta Part 5

Posted by Gayle Brantuk on Jan 16th 2012

To read the previous posts in this series, click the links below: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 December 14, 2011 This week I have installed the carlings. The plans call for anc … read more
Designer's Notebook: Fairing by the "RABL Method"

Designer's Notebook: Fairing by the "RABL Method"

Posted by Glen Witt on Dec 28th 2011

Most have never heard of Sam S. Rabl, a naval architect, author and innovator of small boat building methods. Sam was at the height of his career back in the mid-forties, when he wrote several bo … read more
Super Spartan Build by Roberta Part 3

Super Spartan Build by Roberta Part 3

Posted by Gayle Brantuk on Dec 9th 2011

To read the previous posts in this series, click the links below: Part 1 Part 2 Wednesday, November 23, 2011 I completed fitting up the frames into the chine/bottom assembly an … read more