Steermaster Replacement Cables

PLEASE NOTE** We receive only a limited supply of replacement cables each season, and inventory depletes quickly. What shows as "in stock" may in fact be sold out. If you order online, we will let you know asap if it's not available, but if you are concerned please call to check.

Steermaster steering systems are no longer being manufactured and parts are no longer available except those listed below. However, we do have a supplier of the Mark II and Mark III replacement cables only, which are listed below. These cables are manufactured once a year and when stock is gone, it isn't available until the next year. Order now to make sure you don't miss out!

NOTE: Some older cables may be labeled as MK2 or MK3 and that may be incorrect. Please verify the type of cable you need: the Mark 2 has a threaded end at the motor, the Mark 3 has a flat end with a hole.

We recommend a lightweight marine oil to lubricate these cables. Using grease will cause the cable to freeze up or will build up a vacuum due to the high viscosity and cause it to freeze up. For the ring gear, use Quicksilver 2-4-C marine lubricant with teflon.

Measuring Replacement Cable Lengths
Mark II & Mark III Cable Differences
Installation Instructions