Glen L Book of Designs

$14.95 - $41.25
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Our 290 page "Book of Boat Designs" features all of the designs shown on our web site plus a FREE set of dinghy plans & a coupon for $14.95 off your first order. This voluminous book is black and white and is a great "wish book" for browsing while watching TV or to take with you while away from your computer. Includes FREE Boatbuilding & Supplies Brochure and price lists and a FREE set of dinghy plans. Get yours today and one for a friend!

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"I got the catalog today. As you hear so often when folks write in, I too had a Glen-L catalog when I was a kid and looked the photos over and over. Little did I know then that 40 years later I'd have a picture of my own in there! Now that I have built my Sea Knight and taken my kids (22 and 18) out on it I am starting on a Malahini for my son and when that's done my daughter wants me to build her a Wild Thing."

"It's quite a lifelong accomplishment and legacy to have people all over the WORLD building your boats for the last 50+ years, not only in the physical sense, but also in the memories, stories, and everything else that goes along with it that is so frequently spoken of in emails and letters to you. Few people can have that kind of impact over time. "
Bob Maskel, Apple Valley, MN

I have used the Glen-L catalog since I was 12. I am 60 now, and the latest catalog is better than ever. The only thing not shown are Trimarans and Subs! And I suspect that if given time and demand, they would find Glen-L quality of those too. Outstanding hardcopy to have in any good library. Dan H