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Building A Goliath By Ed Davis PT2

Building A Goliath By Ed Davis PT2

Posted by Edwin Davis on Oct 31st 2019

This is part two of Ed's building of the Glen-L Goliath, an 18 foot tug cruiser which he is building in aluminum. Boat plans and patterns for this design are available from Glen-L Marine in our online … read more
Building the Glen-L Tuffy Part 4

Building the Glen-L Tuffy Part 4

Posted by Paul Vankeppel on Oct 18th 2019

Pluto at the boat ramp, the toe strip and bow nav light platform have not yet been mounted. Final Product Finally, after some finishing touches here and there, Pluto was finished. She drives an … read more
Building the Glen-L Tuffy Part 3

Building the Glen-L Tuffy Part 3

Posted by Paul Vankeppel on Oct 16th 2019

In this post I will discuss the building of the interior of my Glen-L Tuffy, Pluto. I will also discuss some things about the engine I bought for the boat. If you missed them, you can read Part 1 … read more
Hunky Dory 23' boat, by Doug in Alaska

Hunky Dory 23' boat, by Doug in Alaska

Posted by Doug on Oct 9th 2019

I live in Kotzebue, Alaska, which is located 30 miles north of the Arctic circle.  I  have turned the upstairs of my house into a wood-working shop and some years will build a build boa … read more
Building the Glen-L Tuffy Part 1

Building the Glen-L Tuffy Part 1

Posted by Paul Vankeppel on Oct 2nd 2019

I am creating this blog post as a sort of record of the build process of my Glen-L Tuffy, named Pluto. I'll go through some of the major details and show some pictures as well. I bought the Tu … read more