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Zip Complete Wood Kit

Zip Complete Wood Kit

Posted by Gayle Brantuk on Jun 6th 2019

BREAKING NEWS! Glen-L now offers a complete precision CNC cut wood kit with all the wood you need to build the Glen-L Zip! The 14 foot Glen-L Zip is consistently one of our most popular de … read more
2018 Gathering of Glen-L Boatbuilders

2018 Gathering of Glen-L Boatbuilders

Posted by Gayle Brantuk on Oct 19th 2018

"Awesome Gathering. I think it was the best ever. Great crowd and Tony is really making things really work well for us. The floating patio is such a great place for our evening dining and gatheri … read more
Walter's Malahini Build

Walter's Malahini Build

Posted by WalterH on Sep 4th 2018

Frames I spent the month of July making the frames for my Malahini and took August off. September is off to a good start with building the form and hanging the frames.  I raised the height of … read more